
Is it the end of software protectors?

Having a look in the world of software protectors, we have the following scenarios:

Production Scenario:
ASProtect: Dead Project(Site still online but user forum offline. No updates in one year)
SVKP: Dead Project (v2 announced thousands of times but the site is dead (ghost))
Execryptor: Dead Project (Site still online but no activity, and no updates in one year)
SDProtector: Dead Project (Site still online but no updates in 2 years. Website shows version 1.14 while last is 1.16).
ACProtect: Dead Project (Version 2 came out last year, but no updates since then)
Armadillo: Semi-Dead Project (In user forums Gene said armadillo is still supported and new releases will consist of fixes but NO NEW FEATURES)
Themida: Active Project (THE ONLY ONE)
Obsidium: Semi-Active Project (version 1.4 is nearly out but as developer said, no new features will be present, only fixes and user

OS Scenario:

ASProtect: Crashes on Vista with DEP and generally unstable with Vista.
SVKP: No more supported, not tested on Vista.
ExeCryptor: Crashes on Vista with DEP and generally unstable with Vista.
SDProtector: Crashes even on Windows XP
ACProtect: Crashes even on Windows XP
Armadillo: Partly Supports Vista, fully with v5
Themida: Fully Supports Vista
Obsidium: Funny Behaviours on Vista...author is working on it.

[Fuente: vía correo]
Así que... a quién culpamos? a Vista? a los desarrollaores faltos de ideas? o es que el cracking ha ganado la batalla?

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